Broken Bodies,

Unbroken Spirits

These dogs and cats laugh in the face of death daily. Cursed with failing bodies, blessed with our relentless care. Not adoptable. Not euthanizable. Just survivors.

Behold our long-term residents: The toughest bastards you'll never own.

You're looking at the tip of the iceberg, folks. Our Medical Residents have stories that would make a horror writer weep.

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  • Graphic before & after photos

  • Uncensored surgery details

  • The raw, gritty truth behind each rescue

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Because these battle-scarred warriors deserve to have their full stories told.

Warning: This ain't for the squeamish. Expect blood, guts, and miracles in equal measure.



  • Species: Canine

  • Breed: Rottweiler Mix

  • Affliction: Hip Dysplasia

  • Prognosis: Stubborn as hell

The Gory Details:

Shogun's former "family" tossed him out like yesterday's garbage when his hips started to betray him. Their loss, our gain. This beast's got a heart of gold wrapped in a body that's falling apart.

Medical Shit:

  • Double hip dysplasia. Yeah, you read that right. Both hips are royally fucked.

  • Needs femoral head ostectomies. We're talking sawing off parts of his bones here.

  • Pain management is ongoing. He's high as a kite most days, but at least he's comfortable.

Behavioral Baggage:

  • Mouthy as a sailor with Tourette's. This boy's got opinions, and he'll let you know.

  • Needs behavior training to turn those chompers into kisses. It's a work in progress.

The Plan:

  1. Raise unholy amounts of cash for those femoral head ostectomies.

  2. Train the sass out of his ass (or at least channel it productively).

  3. Keep him comfy and loved while he learns to strut on his modified hips.

How You Can Help:

  • Sponsor Shogun's surgeries. He'll send you his removed femoral heads as paperweights.

  • Share his story. Let the world know that a broken body doesn't mean a broken spirit.

Shogun's not up for adoption, but he's up for a fight. Against pain, against abandonment, against the very gods that cursed him with these janky joints. And we're right there in the trenches with him.

Remember: Every day Shogun wags his tail is a day he flips off fate. Be like Shogun.



  • Species: Feline

  • Breed: Survivor

  • Affliction: Lead poisoning of the worst kind

  • Prognosis: Middle finger to the Grim Reaper

The Nightmare Fuel:

Reported as a mere hit-and-run, Reeves turned out to be the star of his own action movie. This feline Jason Bourne took not one, but two bullets and lived to purr about it.

Medical Circus:

  • Bullet #1: Lodged in his spine like the world's worst acupuncture.

  • Bullet #2: Chilling in his back leg, right next to an old break. Because why not?

  • Bladder went rogue, pissing blood like a horror movie extra.

  • Two weeks of "will he or won't he kick the bucket" suspense.

The Comeback Tour:

  • Fluids pumped in like he's a leaky water balloon.

  • Antibiotics by the truckload to wage war on infection.

  • Catheter installed - because peeing is overrated when you're busy surviving.

  • Now taking independent piss breaks like a champ.

  • Legs showing signs of life. Walking's overrated, but he's working on it.

The Plan:

  1. Keep this bullet magnet alive and kicking (figuratively, for now).

  2. Physical therapy to turn those noodle legs back into lethal weapons.

  3. Teach him to use a litter box again, or invest in diapers. Dealer's choice.

How You Can Help:

  • Sponsor Reeves' ongoing care. He's burning through lives faster than cash.

  • Share his story. Let the world know what "nine lives" really looks like.

Reeves isn't just surviving - he's thriving. This cat looked Death in the face and said, "Not today, asshole." He's not up for adoption, but he's up for proving that cats really do have nine lives.

Remember: Reeves took two bullets and kept purring. What's your excuse?



  • Species: Feline

  • Breed: Wonky Wonder

  • Affliction: Face by Picasso

  • Prognosis: Perpetually tilted, eternally loved

The Twisted Tale:

Pearl's past is a mystery, but her face tells a story of survival that'd make Chuck Norris weep. This feline femme fatale stumbled into a vet's office looking like she'd gone ten rounds with a cement mixer - and won.

Medical Mayhem:

  • Jaw: Broken and healed wrong. She's permanently smirking at fate.

  • Head: Tilted like she's constantly judging your life choices.

  • Ears: Partially defunct. She'll ignore you, but it might not be on purpose.

The Silver Lining:

  • Sweetness level: Diabetic coma-inducing.

  • Give-a-damn meter: Permanently stuck at zero.

  • Wet food connoisseur: By necessity, not choice.

The Plan:

  1. Keep this crooked queen living her best life.

  2. Shower her with wet food like it's catnip-flavored rain.

  3. Use her as a living example of why Old Scratch exists.

How You Can Help:

  • Sponsor Pearl's ongoing care. Misaligned jaws don't feed themselves.

  • Share her story. Show the world that perfection is overrated.

Pearl isn't just another pretty face - she's a masterpiece of resilience. She's the embodiment of Old Scratch's mission, proving that a broken body doesn't mean a broken spirit. This kitty took life's lemons and made a goddamn lemon meringue pie.

Remember: Pearl's got a permanent head tilt, but her outlook is always up. Be like Pearl, you basic bipeds.

More stories coming soon.