How can I adopt a Pet

Complete the adoption form on the adoptable animals page and someone will be in contact with you soon. As a foster based organization, we do not have a public viewing area. If you wish to meet a cat, please complete the adoption application first.

Will you take my cat?

No. Full stop.

We're not a dumping ground for your feline regrets. Our gates are closed tighter than a cat's ass near water.

We exclusively work with select vets and animal shelters. You know, professionals who don't decide on a whim that Fluffy doesn't match the new sofa.

However, if you've got a feral situation breeding faster than rabbits on Viagra, we might be able to help. We do TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), because we believe in birth control for all species.

If you've got a spot where we can set up a trap for some reproductive interference, shoot an email to: info@oldscratchrescue.com


  • Location details

  • Estimated cat count

  • How long they've been there

  • Your contact info

Remember: TNR is about population control, not rehoming. Those cats are staying put, just with fewer testicles and ovaries.

Want to keep your cat? Great. Be a responsible pet owner. Can't keep your cat? Find a no-kill shelter or rescue that's taking surrenders. Google is your friend.

How can I help

Cut the crap. We need cash.

Look, we're not here to sugarcoat it. TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) and medical care for the damned souls we rescue ain't cheap. Vet bills pile up faster than corpses in a plague pit.

Sure, we appreciate the thought behind your grandma's hand-knitted cat toys, but they won't pay for antibiotics or cover the cost of spaying a feral colony.

Here's the brutal truth:

  1. DONATE: Cold, hard cash is king. Set up a monthly tithe or make a one-time offering. Every dollar fuels our dark crusade.

  2. FUNDRAISE: Got a birthday coming up? Tell your friends to skip the gifts and donate to us instead. Or host a black metal concert and send us the proceeds. Get creative, we don't care how you do it.

  3. SPONSOR: Take on a medical case. We'll send you updates on the poor bastard you're saving, and you can bask in the glow of your twisted altruism.

  4. VOLUNTEER: If you've got specialized skills - vet tech, trap expert, social media demon - we might have use for you. But if you're just looking to pet some cats, save it for the cutesy shelters.

  5. SPREAD THE WORD: Tell everyone about us. The more people know, the more cash flows. It's that simple.

Remember: Every dollar you donate is a middle finger to the system that lets animals suffer. So open your wallet and join the revolution.

Why are you called “old Scratch”?

Ever hear grandma call the devil "Old Scratch"? That's us. Hellbent on saving the damned, one feral at a time. Plus, have you seen what those claws do to furniture?

I need help with my order from your store

Patience, mortal. Our legions are volunteer-run.

We'll get to your plea, but it might take a while.

We're busy wrangling feral beasts and battling vet bills.

For faster resolution:

  1. Check your spam folder. Our emails often end up in hell.

  2. Double-check your order details. You'd be surprised how often humans mess up.

  3. If it's been over a week, email: info@oldscratchrescue.com

Remember: Every minute we spend on your t-shirt crisis is a minute we're not saving lives.

Choose your battles wisely.